Lent 2019

Lent starts on Wednesday 6th March … A period when we traditionally ‘give up something’ or ‘take something up’ to deepen our reliance on God. Through Lent, we allow ourselves time and space to acknowledge who we truly are, and to turn again for healing and hope from God. Through the journey of Lent we…


February 27 – Wednesday Wonderings: Find out about Icons

Wednesday Wonderings takes place in St Mark’s on the last Wednesday of the month. We meet at 12noon, eat a light lunch, usually soup, bread and cheese and chatter. Over coffee and cake, we ‘wonder’. This February, on Wednesday 27, we are ‘wondering’ about Icons. Sophia Marriage, our priest here at St Mark’s, recently painted…


Needed: Part-time Administrative Assistant

The vestry of St Mark’s Church in Portobello is seeking to recruit a part-time administrative assistant. This new role will be key in streamlining the work of the congregation and enabling us to move forward in a strategic way on a large building project. Duties will include: secretarial work, aiding the congregational communication (including the…

Job Opportunity – part-time Administrative Assistant

Are you interested in part time work at your local church? We are seeking to appoint a part-time Administrative Assistant Duties will include: secretarial work, aiding the communication of the congregation (including the creation of posters and booklets), help with online communication channels, some book-keeping and liaison with external contractors. This new role will be…

Holiday Club 2018

‘Teambuilders’ – Portobello Ecumenical Holiday Club, 16-23 July 2017 This summer, our Portobello Holiday Club is running for the fourth year, with six area churches working together again in partnership with Scripture Union Scotland. From 16-23 July from 9am to 12.30pm, the halls at Portobello and Joppa Parish Church and here at St Mark’s Scottish Episcopal…