Please see below for our regular services …. Services to mark festivals and other special occasions are advertised on our Facebook Page.

Sunday 10.30am – Holy Communion (Sung Eucharist 1982 Liturgy) If you are visiting Portobello we would be delighted to meet you at any of our services or events. Please stay afterwards for coffee and a chat!

Every Wednesday at 2pm – Holy Communion – a short celebration of Holy Communion followed by tea and a chat. We often used liturgies from around the Anglican Communion.

Our Junior Church respond to the needs of those who come to church. Currently we hold a pre-school Children’s Church on the first Sunday of every month.

There are services to mark all the major Christian festivals of the year, and details are normally displayed on our website, facebook page or on the noticeboard outside our church. 

ON LINE – ON ZOOM – All details of worship online here

Monday to Friday 9am – Morning Prayer
Thursday 10am – Service of the Word

Our church building is often open for private prayer.

Reflections from our garden, A series of short video reflections, inspired by our garden and graveyard. You can sit in the garden and listen to these, or from the comfort of home.

Other reflections
Easter Day … reflection here
Seven Last Words from the Cross
Meditations based on walking the Labyrinth