The church has special services to mark important stages of our lives, and we warmly welcome anyone who would like to explore these services, whether you are a regular member of our congregation or not.
Weddings, Celebrating the birth of a child, Baptism, Celebrating moving into a new home. If you would like to know more about the church’s way of celebrating these occasions please contact the rector. We celebrate all marriages, and conduct and bless same sex marriages.
In times of sadness or difficulty
Home visits, Hospital Visits, Funerals, Care of the bereaved, Needing someone to talk to. The rector and ministry team are happy to visit and lend a listening ear to anyone who is in need. They can visit people at home or in hospital.
Home Communions
There are a number of the

congregation who are licensed by the bishop to bring communion to those who can no longer make it to church, whether through old age, through frailty or through illness.