St Mark’s welcomes children of all ages, and seeks to offer age-appropriate activities and opportunities to grow in faith. What we offer is changing constantly depending on the children who come.

  • On the first Sunday of the month, there is a Children’s Church for all pre-schoolers. They will hear a Biblical story, take part in a craft activity, do jigsaws and be invited to pray together during the first half of the service. They re-join their parents for the second half of the service (for the Eucharist).
  • There is an area within our worship space with books, colouring and puzzles, and the congregation welcomes the shuffling, fidgeting and joyful noises of the young people.
  • During the school holidays, about 3 times a year, we host a morning of activities – stories, songs, games and crafts for all our pre-primary and primary aged children. Please contact us to hear about the next one!
  • Once a year, all the churches of Portobello run a Holiday Club for nearly 100 children in the area, with a range of different activities, including art, drama, music, cooking, gardening, games, reflection and Bible Study.
  • It takes place in the mornings for a week and is housed in St Marks and in Portobello and Joppa Parish Church.
  • We understand that teenagers can be very busy on Sunday mornings and we try to offer opportunities for them to meet Christians of their own age at times that suit them. We sometimes meet up with local churches of different denominations for social events. The young people also play an active role in our worshipping community, sometimes hosting a service, and they take turns on the reading, praying, welcoming and other rotas in the church community.
  • The high school children also have the opportunity of going to Glenalmond Youth Camp, run by the Scottish Episcopal Church’s Youth Network and supported by the congregation of St Mark’s.

If you would like further information please do contact us. We look forward to welcoming new children to our Junior Church and would like to work with you to offer opportunities that would help them to grow in faith and be part of the community of the church.

All our Junior Church leaders are PVG certified.