Concerts at St Mark’s

St Mark’s has organised a summer concert series every year since 2013. As this year’s series cannot take place, we’re celebrating some of the musicians who have performed at St Mark’s on our Facebook page. You can find out more here. Gillan, a member of St Mark’s, talks about her involvement in the series: “I’ve…

St Mark’s Labyrinth

The St Mark’s Labyrinth, laid each year during Holy Week and Advent, allows visitors to shut out the busy world and contemplate God in a different way. Sheena explains what the Labyrinth means to her: “When the labyrinth first came to St Mark’s I was very sceptical: I couldn’t see how walking around a maze…

Art Walk Porty and St Mark’s Portobello

Art Walk Porty is an annual fortnight of art installations which celebrates local artists and landmarks. St Mark’s Portobello has been involved since the first Art Walk in 2015.  In 2017, St Mark’s contribution to Art Walk Porty was designed and installed by church members. Jennifer Floether, who co-ordinated the piece, explains the message behind…

St Mark’s Garden

The church garden is open to all as a place to sit, contemplate, and take a moment out of a busy world. Bridget, who tends to the St Mark’s garden, explains what it means to her: “I was blessed to be able to spend a lot of time during the beautiful spring and early summer…

St Mark’s 1826 – 2026: Towards 200 Years

Fabric repairs are required for this unique historic building in Portobello and to make fit for purpose for the 21st century so that it provides space for community and congregational life. Like all Scottish Episcopal Churches, St Mark’s is self-supporting and the trustees are solely responsible for maintaining this historic gem in Portobello and for…

Lent 2019

Lent starts on Wednesday 6th March … A period when we traditionally ‘give up something’ or ‘take something up’ to deepen our reliance on God. Through Lent, we allow ourselves time and space to acknowledge who we truly are, and to turn again for healing and hope from God. Through the journey of Lent we…