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Pray for Scotland
As we enter the week of the Referendum on the future of Scotland, St Marks is holding two special times of prayer, please do join us. Wednesday 17th September 7pm as people prepare to vote Friday 19th September 10.30am as people digest the results There will also be the normal Thursday communion on 18th September…
Advent and Christmas 2018
Advent and Christmas at St Marks – come and celebrate with us! In addition to our regular services, we have these special services and events: Advent … We wait and we watch …. First Sunday of Advent: 2 December 5pm Advent Service with all the churches in Portobello with a collection for the work of Christian Aid…
Carols by Candlelight: Thursday 21 Dec at 7pm
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The Big Vote Evening: 27th August
Portobello Community Council and the Portobello and Area Churches Together are hosting an evening of discussion around the issues of the Referendum. The Big Vote is a series of community events hosted by local organisations, supported by the Scottish Community Alliance. The way these events work is that people sit in groups of 5-6 at…
Junior RCS Quartet Concert: June 29
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FebFest …. Spring Fair 7 February
Come to our FebFest on Saturday 7th February, 11am-1pm. Coffee, tea, cakes, bacon rolls… Books, gifts, homebaking, cards…. Raffle, children’s activities .. Talking and friendship … In aid of the church. 10% of all fundraising is donated to our three nominated charities for the year – Mary’s Meals, Basics Bank and WaterAid. Pdf poster here…