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Services during Lent
Morning Prayer 9.30am daily Monday-Thursday Discussion Group on Mondays after Morning Prayer – finished by 11.30 at latest. Discussion after church on Sunday 23rd March. Bring some sandwiches! For more ideas of Lent, please see our information advert.
Lent 2016
Lent is a period of ‘spiritual spring-cleaning’ as we prepare to welcome the Risen Christ at Easter time and renew our baptism vows. It is traditionally a time of fasting and self-denial, Christian growth, penitence, conversion and simplicity. Or in an acronym, a time when we fasten down the tent PEGS of our faith – Prayer,…
Ascension Day, 14 May
Ascension Day is marked 40 days after Easter Day and signals the end of the earthly ministry of Jesus. It is the start of a 10 day period which ends with the celebration of the arrival of the Holy Spirit on the early church. Our Ascension Day services will be held at: 7.45 am ……
Week for Prayer for Christian Unity
A few weeks after the week for Christian Unity, the churches of Portobello are gathering for short prayers and a simple lunch every day at each of the churches – you would be very welcome to join us.
Lent 2019
Lent starts on Wednesday 6th March … A period when we traditionally ‘give up something’ or ‘take something up’ to deepen our reliance on God. Through Lent, we allow ourselves time and space to acknowledge who we truly are, and to turn again for healing and hope from God. Through the journey of Lent we…