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Lent and Easter in Portobello
Please see this Easter and Holy Week 2015 for plans at the different churches in Portobello for Lent, Holy Week and Easter this year. You are all welcome at any of the services and activities at any of the churches! St Marks has daily services during Holy Week. Please see here for more details. May it…
Services during Lent
Morning Prayer 9.30am daily Monday-Thursday Discussion Group on Mondays after Morning Prayer – finished by 11.30 at latest. Discussion after church on Sunday 23rd March. Bring some sandwiches! For more ideas of Lent, please see our information advert.
Carols and Tea: Thursday 14 Dec at 2.30pm
Do come and join us for a good sing-song and a cuppa … All very welcome!
Portobello Carol Service – 2 Dec
At 5pm here at St Mark’s, an Advent Service with all the churches in Portobello with a collection for the work of Christian Aid – all welcome!
The Big Vote Evening: 27th August
Portobello Community Council and the Portobello and Area Churches Together are hosting an evening of discussion around the issues of the Referendum. The Big Vote is a series of community events hosted by local organisations, supported by the Scottish Community Alliance. The way these events work is that people sit in groups of 5-6 at…