Open Doors: 27th September

On Saturday 27th September, the church will be open as part of the Cockburn Association’s Open Doors day. 10am-4pm We will have a display about our ongoing preservation of the wall, including the opportunity to talk with the stonemason in the afternoon, there will be volunteers to talk about the building and graveyard, initial plans…

Pray for Scotland

As we enter the week of the Referendum on the future of Scotland, St Marks is holding two special times of prayer, please do join us. Wednesday 17th September 7pm as people prepare to vote Friday 19th September 10.30am as people digest the results There will also be the normal Thursday communion on 18th September…

Holy Week 2014

During Holy Week, the church commemorates the last week of Jesus’ earthly ministry, which ended in his death on the cross, and his glorious resurrection on Easter Day. Do join us for this week of reflections and prayer. There are slates around the graveyard, which is open at all times (push the side gates) and…