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Ash Wednesday (18th February)
Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent, a period of reflection and penance as we prepare to meet the Risen Christ on Easter Day. Traditionally, the church has marked this day with communion, repentence and the imposition of the sign of the cross in ash on our forehead, to ‘remember we are dust and to…
National Lottery Heritage Fund contributes to our Renovation
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Junior RCS Quartet Concert: June 29
Join us for an evening of music from the string quarter at the Junior Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. Tickets are available from £10 (£5 for 12-18; free for under 12s)
FCC confirms grant
29/11/2024 PRESS RELEASE Funding approved and work starts on the repair and renovation of St Mark’s Episcopal Church in Portobello, Edinburgh. The people of Portobello are set to benefit from improved facilities at St Mark’s which will enhance the community events it is able to offer, thanks to many funders including the most recent, a…
Services during Lent
Morning Prayer 9.30am daily Monday-Thursday Discussion Group on Mondays after Morning Prayer – finished by 11.30 at latest. Discussion after church on Sunday 23rd March. Bring some sandwiches! For more ideas of Lent, please see our information advert.
Join the team: PT Pastoral Worker for older people
Pastoral Worker for People in their Later Years : St Mark’s Episcopal Church, Portobello St Mark’s Episcopal Church is seeking a part-time Pastoral Worker (lay or ordained) to provide dedicated pastoral and spiritual support to older people, nurturing their gifts and passions to develop ‘Elders’ who can bring knowledge and wisdom to our congregation and…