St Marks, as all Scottish Episcopal Churches, is entirely self-supporting. Donations to St Mark’s pay for the stipend of our priest, the salaries for our part time administrator, organist and cleaner, the maintenance of our building, and all activities that take place within our life together. Some of our income comes from rents for community activities (click here if you are interested in renting our building) and fundraising social events, such as coffee mornings, art exhibitions and concerts.
It costs about £6,100 a month to run St Mark’s.
For larger projects and with work that will benefit the whole of Portobello, we are extremely grateful to funding bodies for their support:
- The garden and graveyard were repaired in 2014 thanks to grants from Historic Scotland, the Heritage Lottery Foundation, the Pilgrim Trust, the Dunderdale Trust, and the All Churches Trust.
- The ramp was constructed in 2023 thanks to grants from the TOR Christian Trust, Garfield Weston Foundation, the Baird Trust, the Scottish Episcopal Church and the fundraising efforts of the congregation.
- Our Pastoral Worker (appointed in August 2024) is fully funded by the TOR Christian Trust.
- We have recently started the Renovation and Repair Project after successful fundraising. This is made possible due to the generosity of many grant funders. Further details are contained here.
If you would like to donate to St Mark’s please do so here. This page will enable you to claim Gift Aid for the church as well if you are a UK taxpayer.
If you would like to generate donations from online retailers at no extra cost to yourself, please use easy fundraising and nominate St Marks Portobello as you chosen charity. A small percentage of your payment will be donated, and the small sums add up!
Please see here for a leaflet explaining more about our financial situation.