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June Lunch and Natter!
Join us for the last Wednesday Wonderings of the year . If it is fine we will be outside in the garden, a chance to chat, to have ideas, and to enjoy each other’s company. All welcome
Introducing Val ….
On 1 August, St Mark’s will be joined by Rev Dr Val Cameron, appointed as our new Pastoral Worker for those in Later Years. This is a new and exciting part time post, funded for 2 years by the TOR Christian Trust. We are also delighted that Val brings with her, her vocation as a…
FebFest …. Spring Fair 7 February
Come to our FebFest on Saturday 7th February, 11am-1pm. Coffee, tea, cakes, bacon rolls… Books, gifts, homebaking, cards…. Raffle, children’s activities .. Talking and friendship … In aid of the church. 10% of all fundraising is donated to our three nominated charities for the year – Mary’s Meals, Basics Bank and WaterAid. Pdf poster here…
Holy Week 2014
During Holy Week, the church commemorates the last week of Jesus’ earthly ministry, which ended in his death on the cross, and his glorious resurrection on Easter Day. Do join us for this week of reflections and prayer. There are slates around the graveyard, which is open at all times (push the side gates) and…
Wednesday 29 May: lunch and discussion
Join us for our monthly lunch and discussion. This month Mike Cheesbrough will speak on “Charles Darwin and two other Charles-es” – a warm welcome awaits for all!
Heritage Lottery Fund for wall
St Mark’s Church to renovate and conserve historic boundary wall One of Portobello’s most historic churches can now make essential repairs to allow safe access to its graveyard, in turn allowing it to be better understood, all thanks to a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF). St Mark’s was one of the first Episcopal…