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Come and Celebrate Easter
All welcome at our Easter Day services .. on the beach or in the church!
Join us to celebrate Advent with chat and craft
You’ve all heard of Messy Church …. but this is Messy Vintage – an opportunity to gather for food, bible story, craft and a natter. With us out the building, this is going to be at Portobello Town Hall … everything provided, although if you want to bring your own crafts to get on with…
September Lunch
On Wednesday 25th September, our Wednesday Wonderings will include a ‘Come and sing your favourite hymn’ – bring your hymn and our Director of Music, Michael Graham will help us to sing!
Lent 2016
Lent is a period of ‘spiritual spring-cleaning’ as we prepare to welcome the Risen Christ at Easter time and renew our baptism vows. It is traditionally a time of fasting and self-denial, Christian growth, penitence, conversion and simplicity. Or in an acronym, a time when we fasten down the tent PEGS of our faith – Prayer,…
Lent 2019
Lent starts on Wednesday 6th March … A period when we traditionally ‘give up something’ or ‘take something up’ to deepen our reliance on God. Through Lent, we allow ourselves time and space to acknowledge who we truly are, and to turn again for healing and hope from God. Through the journey of Lent we…
Garfield Weston Foundation contributes to our Renovation
We are delighted to announced that the Garfield Weston Foundation have awarded us a grant of £30,000 as we inch towards our goal of £630,000 to do the next phase of our work. This phase will repair all the fabric damage, put in insulation and secondary glazing, replace the lighting and the floor, and ensure…