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Holy Week at St Marks
Do join us for any of our services
Ash Wednesday (18th February)
Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent, a period of reflection and penance as we prepare to meet the Risen Christ on Easter Day. Traditionally, the church has marked this day with communion, repentence and the imposition of the sign of the cross in ash on our forehead, to ‘remember we are dust and to…
Lent 2019
Lent starts on Wednesday 6th March … A period when we traditionally ‘give up something’ or ‘take something up’ to deepen our reliance on God. Through Lent, we allow ourselves time and space to acknowledge who we truly are, and to turn again for healing and hope from God. Through the journey of Lent we…
Art Walk Porty September 2015
This weekend, the site specific art installation – Loveletters, by Juliana Capes, will be at St Marks. This will be open along with many other venues as part of Art Walk Porty, Friday 4th 10-4pm, Saturday 5th 10-4pm and Sunday 6th 12-4pm (after morning service, held amongst the Loveletters!) In addition, there is an opportunity…
Favourite Hymns Songs of Praise
Sunday 8th June at 7pm To celebrate our Summer Concerts series, we will be holding a Songs of Praise on the evening of Sunday 8th June. At that service, the top 10-15 favourite hymns nominated by those who have been to the concerts, by the congregation and by members of the community will be sung….

Join the team: PT Pastoral Worker for older people
Pastoral Worker for People in their Later Years : St Mark’s Episcopal Church, Portobello St Mark’s Episcopal Church is seeking a part-time Pastoral Worker (lay or ordained) to provide dedicated pastoral and spiritual support to older people, nurturing their gifts and passions to develop ‘Elders’ who can bring knowledge and wisdom to our congregation and…