During Holy Week, the church commemorates the last week of Jesus’ earthly ministry, which ended in his death on the cross, and his glorious resurrection on Easter Day.
It is the most important week of the Christian year and this year our times of prayer together will be very different.
Unless otherwise specified, all Zoom services will be with this link: Join Zoom Meeting (Meeting ID: 859 5830 8086 ; Passcode: 1357)
Palm Sunday (2 April)
We will worship together on Zoom on Palm Sunday (28 March) at 11am. Please do join us.
We will process around the garden at church as we remember Jesus’ procession into Jerusalem on a donkey. This was him entering the seat of power, as he continued his mission of healing, love and reconciliation and then hear the whole story of the Passion of Jesus (the last day of his life up to the crucifixion) in a dramatic way that enables us to enter the story and place our own story in God’s story.
During the week
9am Monday – Friday: Morning Prayer on Zoom every day – we gather for prayers and readings
7pm Maundy Thursday (6 April): On Maundy Thursday we remember Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples, when he commanded them to love one another. At our service, we will have the opportunity to have our feet washed (if you would like), share communion and we will end the service with the Service of Tenebrae (shadows) as we recall Jesus going to the Garden of Gethsemane, where he prays and experiences desertion, betrayal, loneliness and agony. The service will end in silence and darkness with the church stripped bare for Good Friday.
Good Friday: On Good Friday, the Christians of Portobello gather at 10am at Portobello and Joppa Church and will then walk along the Prom to St John’s Brighton Place to complete the service.
12-2pm St Mark’s will be open for private prayer
2pm we will have a Good Friday service
Easter Day
On Easter Day we meet with our neighbouring churches at 7am on the beach at Joppa and then back to PJPC for breakfast.
10.30 we will celebrate in St Mark’s, and will have the opportunity to renew our baptism vows in the new creation of Resurrection. This service will be available on Zoom.