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Art Walk Porty September 2015
This weekend, the site specific art installation – Loveletters, by Juliana Capes, will be at St Marks. This will be open along with many other venues as part of Art Walk Porty, Friday 4th 10-4pm, Saturday 5th 10-4pm and Sunday 6th 12-4pm (after morning service, held amongst the Loveletters!) In addition, there is an opportunity…
Lent 2016
Lent is a period of ‘spiritual spring-cleaning’ as we prepare to welcome the Risen Christ at Easter time and renew our baptism vows. It is traditionally a time of fasting and self-denial, Christian growth, penitence, conversion and simplicity. Or in an acronym, a time when we fasten down the tent PEGS of our faith – Prayer,…
Lent and Easter in Portobello
Please see this Easter and Holy Week 2015 for plans at the different churches in Portobello for Lent, Holy Week and Easter this year. You are all welcome at any of the services and activities at any of the churches! St Marks has daily services during Holy Week. Please see here for more details. May it…
Holy Week and Easter Services
Holy Week this year is very different … We have services and meditations on our facebook page and hope that they will offer opportunities for you to pray in your homes and on your exercise time as you walk the streets praying for our nation, our community and our friends and families. On Facebook this…