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Mountain Meeting concert Wed 7 October
Mountain Meeting at St Mark’s on Wednesday 7th October, at 7.30pm. Bridget Marsden & Leif Ottosson will be playing Violin and Accordion music from Sweden. Portobello’s very own Sally Simpson will be joining them.
Holy Week 2014
During Holy Week, the church commemorates the last week of Jesus’ earthly ministry, which ended in his death on the cross, and his glorious resurrection on Easter Day. Do join us for this week of reflections and prayer. There are slates around the graveyard, which is open at all times (push the side gates) and…
Holy Week and Easter Services
Holy Week this year is very different … We have services and meditations on our facebook page and hope that they will offer opportunities for you to pray in your homes and on your exercise time as you walk the streets praying for our nation, our community and our friends and families. On Facebook this…
Celebration of Peace and Restoration: 3rd September
Saturday 3rd September, we are holding a party in the garden and graveyard of St Marks. We will have a short service of blessing for our new peace pole and for our role in the world wide movement of peace. We will be joined by the Bishop of Edinburgh, Right Revd John Armes for this…
The Big Vote Evening: 27th August
Portobello Community Council and the Portobello and Area Churches Together are hosting an evening of discussion around the issues of the Referendum. The Big Vote is a series of community events hosted by local organisations, supported by the Scottish Community Alliance. The way these events work is that people sit in groups of 5-6 at…