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Introducing Val ….
On 1 August, St Mark’s will be joined by Rev Dr Val Cameron, appointed as our new Pastoral Worker for those in Later Years. This is a new and exciting part time post, funded for 2 years by the TOR Christian Trust. We are also delighted that Val brings with her, her vocation as a…

Wednesday 29 May: lunch and discussion
Join us for our monthly lunch and discussion. This month Mike Cheesbrough will speak on “Charles Darwin and two other Charles-es” – a warm welcome awaits for all!

April 24th Lunch and Discussion – the WRENS
All Welcome …. 12-1.30pm Wednesday 24 April
Carols by Candlelight: Thursday 21 Dec at 7pm
A Service of readings and music for Christmas .. all very welcome
Lent and Easter in Portobello
Please see this Easter and Holy Week 2015 for plans at the different churches in Portobello for Lent, Holy Week and Easter this year. You are all welcome at any of the services and activities at any of the churches! St Marks has daily services during Holy Week. Please see here for more details. May it…
Music Concert Series 2017
We’re delighted to be running another concert series, showcasing lots of talent: Friday 26 May at 7.30pm The In-Laws (Steve & Suzanne Butler) and the Portobello Community Choir Mellow and distinctive songs from in-laws Steve & Suzanne, and a great foot-tapping local choir! Saturday 3 June at 7.30pm Sally Simpson & Catriona Hawksworth with friends Dynamic fiddle…