Art Walk Porty and St Mark’s Portobello
Art Walk Porty is an annual fortnight of art installations which celebrates local artists and landmarks. St Mark’s Portobello has been involved since the first Art Walk in 2015.
In 2017, St Mark’s contribution to Art Walk Porty was designed and installed by church members. Jennifer Floether, who co-ordinated the piece, explains the message behind the project:
“St Mark’s artwork for Artwalk Porty 2017 expressed something essential about the congregation and what holds it together. This was a community artwork, designed to include everyone.
“Like all community artwork, it didn’t rely on great artistic talent. It wasn’t aimed at wowing the art critics. It had to be cheap. In fact, it had to cost as near to nothing as possible. It had to be eye-catching, and easily seen from the street. It had to be cheerful, not too serious, colourful and exuberant. It had to survive two weeks in the Porty weather”.

“The idea of the family washing line took off. We aimed to achieve visual impact by hanging out our washing. Literally.
“The family washing line says so much. Individual garments, each joined to others, held together on one line, open to the world around.
“The congregation donated shirts and tee shirts to be decorated by a team of volunteers with fabric paint, applique, buttons, sequins and embroidery.
“On the big day, the ‘exhibition’ was ‘hung’, literally, on a washing line under the trees in the garden. A colourful, joyful expression of community, to be seen by everyone passing by, on foot, in cars and on buses”.