St Mark’s is a great place to find friendship and support. We have a number of activities which are more social than ‘religious’!

  • Wednesday Wonderings: 12-1.30pm on the last Wednesday of the month (except July and December). This is a free lunch with a speaker and discussion as well as great chat. Please see our home page for the next topic.
  • Book Group: meets on the last Tuesday of every month. The group reads a wide variety of books – mostly fiction – chosen by the group.
  • Men’s Group: meet for coffee and discussion on the second Friday of the month at 10am, in the morning in a coffee shop in Musselburgh.
  • Coffee Mornings: these are a great way to get to meet people from Portobello – they are always well attended, and you’ll often find a good book, small gifts, homebaking and plants for sale. Bacon (and vegetarian) rolls and coffee / tea are a good incentive to come and find a warm welcome. You will find our next one on the front page.