Some of the activities that help us to explore our faith – everyone is welcome to any of our activities, whether you are a member of the congregation or not. If you would like more information, please get hold of us. Here you will find more social opportunities.

  • Children’s Church – we have a Children’s Church for Pre-schoolers which meets during the service on the first Sunday of each month. During the summer, we join with the other churches of Portobello to host the Portobello Holiday Club and we often hold morning fun socials during the school holidays for children up to the end of Primary School.
  • Youth Fellowship: we have a small group of teenagers who meet together on an ad hoc basis. At the end of terms we often join with the Portobello Baptist Church for a social. Our young people play a role in our church, including reading, leading us in prayer and music and helping with the younger children.
  • Discussion Groups and Bible Studies: throughout the year and especially for Lent. The rector is always willing to meet to discuss faith .
  • Quiet Days: these happen about twice a year and are advertised on our Facebook page as well as on the front page of the website.
  • Choir: Ad hoc for special occasions

You can see details of many of our activities on our Facebook Page – more photos too!

Click here for church contact details.