Vestibule StaircaseThe building of St Mark’s is currently closed to visitors as we are in the middle of a major repair and renovation project. We are hoping that the church will be open again in time for Easter 2025. In the meantime, the congregation is worshipping at St John’s RC church in Brighton Place.

The contractors are keeping the gardens as open as possible. The side gate on St Mark’s Place is open to enable access to the Memorial Garden at the back, one of the front pedestrian gates enables access to the Wee Free Library. If you would to visit another grave while access is restricted, please contact us and we hope we can facilitate that.

If you would like to see around the building, there are a number of occasions when the building is open. We try to keep this list on the website as up to date as possible. You may also find more information on our Facebook Page.

There are services in the church on Sundays 10.30-11.30 and on Wednesdays at 2-2.30pm. The church is normally open for at least an hour after each service.

The church is also open on Tuesday mornings 9.30-12.30 and on Thursday mornings 9.30-12.30 during the Edinburgh School termtime. There are some times when the church is rented out to private activities.

Inside churchIf these times are not suitable, do contact us, either by phone (0131 629 1219) or by email ( to arrange a time to visit.

The garden and graveyard is open all the time and is a great place to relax, reflect and dream.