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Christmas at St Mark’s 2020
Everyone is welcome to attend St Mark’s during Advent and Christmas 2020. All online ZOOM services are accessible using the information found here. If you plan to join us in-person in the church building, we ask you to contact us at or 0131 629 1219 to let us know you are coming. This ensures…
Heritage Lottery Fund for wall
St Mark’s Church to renovate and conserve historic boundary wall One of Portobello’s most historic churches can now make essential repairs to allow safe access to its graveyard, in turn allowing it to be better understood, all thanks to a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF). St Mark’s was one of the first Episcopal…
Week for Prayer for Christian Unity
A few weeks after the week for Christian Unity, the churches of Portobello are gathering for short prayers and a simple lunch every day at each of the churches – you would be very welcome to join us.
Favourite Hymns Songs of Praise
Sunday 8th June at 7pm To celebrate our Summer Concerts series, we will be holding a Songs of Praise on the evening of Sunday 8th June. At that service, the top 10-15 favourite hymns nominated by those who have been to the concerts, by the congregation and by members of the community will be sung….
Lent 2016
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Ascension Day: Thursday 9 May at 8am
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