Lent 2016

Lent is a period of ‘spiritual spring-cleaning’ as we prepare to welcome the Risen Christ at Easter time and renew our baptism vows. It is traditionally a time of fasting and self-denial, Christian growth, penitence, conversion and simplicity. Or in an acronym, a time when we fasten down the tent PEGS of our faith – Prayer, Encouragement, Giving, Study.

What we need to do for Lent is unique to each of us – if we have the courage to look honestly at our lives, at our interactions with others and with God, we would be able to see where it is that we need to do that spring-cleaning. Thankfully we are not alone, and sometimes 40 days of discipline can be too much and too discouraging when we fail.

This year, at St Marks we will walk through the life of Jesus each day of Lent – this will happen in our private meditations at home, in Morning Prayer at 9.30 on Mondays-Thursdays, and reflected in our Facebook reflections.

Each week, as a congregation, we will attempt a different discipline – praying, praising, taming our tongue, fasting and giving. If you would like to join us please go to our facebook page as we experiment to find what deepens our awareness of God’s presence (God’s salvation) in our lives.

Other things happening at St Marks for Lent:

Ash Wednesday services of Communion and the Imposition of Ashes: 10am and 7pm

Study Groups on Henri Nouwen’s The Return of the Prodigal Son

Discussions after Sunday morning services 12-12.45

Times of reflection and art :

  • Tuesday 16th Feb 11-12
  • Wed 24 Feb 11.30-2pm
  • Monday 29th Feb 10-11
  • Thursday 10 March 2-3pm
  • Friday 18 March 10-11

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